DCSS Term 1 Week 6
Calendar of Events
A Word From The Principal

Cyclone Alfred
I certainly hope Cyclones coming this far down the coast are few and far between and although interrupted learning and work isn’t good, it was nice to have a decision made to keep everyone safe and allow for cyclone preparation. A huge thank you to Miss Calais and Miss Lisa from Camp Australia for thinking of our community by providing a community pantry. On behalf of our staff, we all hope everyone literally weathers the storm and the impact of the events haven’t impacted your family too much.
Whole School Expectation
Over the past two weeks we have looked at the rule Be Responsible – Rubbish Everyone’s Business and Be An Achiever- Our Brain Is The Key To Everything.
Rubbish sorting is tricky, but our Eco Marines came up with some simple messages to help our school community learn which bin is for which bit of rubbish.

Be An Achiever- Our Brain Is The Key To Everything
This week students learnt about their brain and what three key parts of our brain do. This is a very important building block lesson as we then go into talking and learning about how our emotions and what the brain does when we feel a certain way.

Awards and Certificates

Beyond the Gates
Administration News
Student Resource Scheme (SRS)
Have you finalised your child's SRS fees for the year? Payment can be made via the Qkr! App, BPOINT, or EFTPOS available at the office.

Parents – Forget having to fill out and deliver a paper form. Instead, provide consent for excursions and events using the QParents app.
NAPLAN 2025 Timetable
eBooks Digital Library
Students and Teachers have been given access to a collection of eBooks and audiobooks through the eBooks Digital Library. This digital library is accessed through the Sora Reading Website or App. When logging in, students must select Education Queensland as their school. Teachers and students will be accessing this digital library to support learning in the classroom. Students will be logging in using their MIS ID. Any support that students require with accessing the digital library is to be requested through their classroom teacher. Students are not permitted to use their emails to request external support.
Cross Country Distances
Classroom News
P&C News
A big thank you to everyone who attended our AGM last week – it was wonderful to meet so many new prep parents! It looks as though 2025 is going to be a great year. Please join our Facebook group here to stay up to date with all news and information.
Our executive committee for 2025 is as follows: President: Sam Sewell.
Vice President: Lyndal Callan. Treasurer: Alana Lowe. Secretary: Vanessa Carius.
Uniform shop convenor: Maddy Fewkes. Tuckshop convenor: Corrinne Green.
P&C Goals for 2025: Three Major Contributions to School:
- Under Cover Area in front of B block - remove all pavers and concrete the area underneath, provide new bag racks for those classrooms and create an outdoor learning space.
- IT Support (laptops and iPads) The P&C agree to contribute $17-$20k ongoing annual support to the school to keep Digital Learning costs for families at a minimum.
- Musical Instruments for Band – the P&C will contribute $1,000 approx. for 2026.
Tuckshop Key Information:
TUCKSHOP PHONE: 0435 384 997
Tuckshop will be on again this coming Thursday March 13. Orders must be placed by 8.30am WEDNESDAY mornings for tuckshop the following day.
Any orders placed last week before the cancellation will be rolled over to this week.
A reminder if your child is away on tuckshop day their order will roll over to the following week EXCEPT for sushi which will be taken to their classroom fridge for them to collect the next day.
Uniform Shop Key Information:
UNIFORM SHOP PHONE: 0457 794 708.
The next open date is Thursday 13th March from 8:30-9:30.
Uniform Shop only opens the 1st Thursday of every month from 8:30 - 9:30am. However, QKR Orders are filled weekly and taken to the classrooms to be brought home by students.
Upcoming Fundraiser: The Big Easter Raffle
Raffle tickets for our annual Big Easter Raffle were sent home with students last week. Please support the P&C by purchasing tickets for $2 each or selling them to friends and family.
We are also asking for donations of Easter treats to use as raffle prizes if you are able. All families who donate to the raffle will get extra chances to win prizes.
Please return tickets and donations to the office by Friday March 21. If paper tickets aren’t your thing - you can purchase raffle tickets on QKR. Thank you for your support.